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Follow the Hogsmill River between two major trails — Thames Down Link


Follow the Hogsmill River between two major trails — Thames Down Link

stevekeiretsu (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Follow the Hogsmill River between two major trails — Thames Down Link

Wander-Collection von Kit P



3-3 Std

/ Tag

26,1 km

230 m

200 m

This 15-mile (24 km) trail is the official link between the long-distance Thames Path and the North Downs Way. It begins in Kingston upon Thames and winds southwards through
greenspaces to Box Hill. Walking along the Hogsmill River and through large woodlands, you can enjoy waterside strolls and vibrant countryside.

The wonderful thing about this trail isn’t just that it links two phenomenal paths – it also offers access to greenspaces and the wider countryside to the suburban residents in the area. Thanks to this route, which links woods, river paths, meadows and commons, it’s easy for you to embrace nature. Thanks to the numerous train stations along the relatively short trail, the path is convenient to reach by rail too.

When it comes to nature, the path takes you through places such as Hogsmill River Park Nature Reserve, Elmbridge Meadows, Hogsmill Open Space, Epsom Common and Ashtead Park. You can expect ancient woodland, medieval hunting grounds and plenty of wildlife. From a cultural point of view, you begin in beautiful Kingston and hike to St John’s church in Malden before seeing the vast Ashtead House and the 17th-century Juniper Hall. Finally, you finish at the 19th-century Box Hill & Westhumble train station with its delightful Victorian pitched roofs.

This trail is hikeable at any time of year; every season brings a different personality to the path and its wildlife. You can walk it in one day, catching the train back to the start, or split it into two or more. In this Collection, I’ve cut the trail into two stages with the split on the edge of Epsom Common. Nearby, you can find bus services and Epsom train station. Ashtead station is a short walk across the common as well.

Thanks to the residential areas surrounding this nature-rich trail, you’ll never be particularly far from a local supermarket, a pub or a coffee shop. As a result, supplies are easy to come by, although you’ll need to walk a little off the trail to reach them. If you want to stay subsumed in greenspace, remember to take enough food and water.

You can reach the start best by public transport, either using a local bus service or catching the train to Kingston station. At the end, you can catch a train from Box Hill & Westhumble station – to reach Kingston, change at Wimbledon or Clapham; otherwise you can take the train to wherever you wish or use local bus services.

As the Thames Down Link is the official trail between the Thames Path and the North Downs Way, why not continue your adventuring on these iconic paths? Check out the Collections detailing those hiking trails below.

For the Thames Path Collection, head here: komoot.com/collection/888071
For the North Downs Way Collection, head here: komoot.com/collection/888909

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Thames Down Link - vollständige Route

26,0 km

230 m

190 m

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 4. Juni 2024

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Kingston upon Thames nach Epsom — Thames Down Link

    14,0 km
    3,9 km/h
    90 m
    40 m
    Mittelschwere Wanderung. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Die erste Etappe des Thames Down Link ist fast 14,5 km lang und folgt fast die gesamte Strecke dem Hogsmill River. Obwohl er sich durch ein dicht besiedeltes Stadtgebiet schlängelt, ist dies ein Spaziergang durch Wiesen, Ansiedlungen und friedliche Flussufer. Es ist größtenteils flach, sodass Sie einen

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen


  2. 03:16
    12,2 km
    3,7 km/h
    140 m
    160 m
    Mittelschwere Wanderung. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Diese Etappe ist fast 13 km lang und genauso schonend für die Beine wie die erste Hälfte des Thames Down Link. So grün ist es, dass es unmöglich scheint, dass die weitläufige Masse Londons nicht weit entfernt ist. Dies ist ein Spaziergang durch lebhaftes Grün und historische Gebäude; Ashtead House, Juniper

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen



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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    26,1 km
  • Zeit
    06:52 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    230 m200 m

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