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Hilltops, castles and viewpoints — Rhymney Valley Ridgeway Walk


Hilltops, castles and viewpoints — Rhymney Valley Ridgeway Walk


Hilltops, castles and viewpoints — Rhymney Valley Ridgeway Walk

Wander-Collection von Kit P



6-6 Std

/ Tag

46,7 km

990 m

1 010 m

This 29-mile (46 km) hike takes in the most majestic sights of the Rhymney Valley, one of South Wales’ historic industrial valleys. The walk takes you in a giant loop around the town of Caerphilly, with hilltop summits, vibrant woodlands, open moors and ancient earthworks. This is a walk that blends human history and glorious upland terrain and reveals how the landscape changed during the Industrial Revolution.

As the name might suggest, you hike along a lot of ridges on this adventure. Some wooded and some exposed, you’re treated to plenty of peaceful stretches in forests as well as some glorious views. Out of the landscape spring viaducts, castles and pretty churches, all posing for photos.

In this Collection, I’ve split the route into two stages. Using this itinerary, you could easily hike the Rhymney Valley Ridgeway Walk in a weekend, particularly during summer’s longer days. Of course, you can split the route up into as many stages as you like.

I recommend hiking from late spring to early autumn as the weather can be very inclement in winter. Regardless of when you walk, always take waterproofs with you as South Wales is prone to rain showers at a moment’s notice.

This itinerary starts at The Rowan Tree inn between Nelson and Ystrad Mynach. As this trail is a loop, you can begin wherever is easiest for you. The biggest challenge is finding somewhere to leave your car if that’s how you choose to arrive. Negotiating a parking space with your accommodation could be a good solution, or you can take public transport to the trail start.

If starting at The Rowan Tree, it’s a stop on the number 7 bus between Pontypridd and Blackwood. The first stage ends near Rudry and the Maenllwyd Inn where you can catch the J bus to Caerphilly (15-minute journey time) for accommodation. Always check the buses before you travel because some services end in the afternoon.

If you’d rather arrive by train, it’s worth altering this itinerary a little and beginning from Ystrad Mynach, which has a railway station with direct links to Cardiff.

Auf der Karte


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Rhymney Valley Ridgeway Walk - Vollständige Route

45,1 km

980 m

1 000 m

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 5. Juni 2024

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Abschnitt 1: Nelson nach Caerphilly — Rhymney Valley Ridgeway Wanderung

    22,3 km
    3,5 km/h
    500 m
    520 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Diese 23 km lange Wanderung hält viel für Sie bereit, wenn es um Hügel und Täler geht. Tatsächlich gehen Sie selten auf der Ebene. Stattdessen verbringen Sie einen Großteil Ihrer Zeit mit dem Aufstieg, um atemberaubende Aussichtspunkte zu erreichen, oder dem Abstieg, um die Hügel aus einem anderen Blickwinkel

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  2. 06:52
    24,3 km
    3,5 km/h
    490 m
    490 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gut begehbare Wege. Trittsicherheit erforderlich.

    Diese 24 km lange Wanderung setzt die Schleife um den Osten von Caerphilly fort und führt an großen Waldstücken, Ruperra Castle und natürlich einem großen Bergrücken vorbei. Für Lebensmittel auf dieser Etappe finden Sie Vorräte in Machen, aber das war es auch schon, also stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen



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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    46,7 km
  • Zeit
    13:15 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    990 m1 010 m

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