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Up and down to Dresden


Up and down to Dresden


Up and down to Dresden

Collection von Quinda

5 Touren

10:56 Std

178 km

4 530 m

Finally got a chance to drive down to Dresden to meet up with the amazing guys from Sour and made sure we had enough time to ride bikes with them, but also had some stops on the way getting there, I found myself twice in a bikepark, that's a first and guess I'm hooked now. Honestly, was not sure what to expect in Dresden, but Chris told me to bring both bikes and knowing him just a little bit, that probably meant having a fun time and fun was indeed underestimated.This weekend was full of surprises, Marie pulled together a wonderful gravel route for Saturday morning and as the day past with more shredding bikes, it dawned on me, right here in the backyard of @sour.bicycles is where the designs are born, these guys know bikes, and that showed off in the rest of the weekend, Chris and Henri can shred and shred hard they did, in the evening and the whole of Sunday I tumbled down hills, trying to keep up with them and absolutely loved it.

Auf der Karte



  1. #79

    43,3 km
    16,7 km/h
    790 m
    800 m
  2. 02:26
    41,3 km
    17,0 km/h
    2 030 m
    2 410 m

    Die Fahrt macht mich sprachlos ... großartig ...

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen


  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 01:36
    18,4 km
    11,5 km/h
    460 m
    510 m

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    178 km
  • Zeit
    10:56 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    4 530 m

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