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Rhine to Rhone Bikepacking Route


Rhine to Rhone Bikepacking Route


Rhine to Rhone Bikepacking Route

Collection von Doubletrackfanatic

1 Tour

75:04 Std

877 km

15 450 m

From Cologne on the river Rhine to Culoz on the river Rhone.Going from the busy city of Cologne, through the southern Eifel national park, then into France and the Vosges mountains. A traverse of some of trails there, then crossing the Doubs river valley and into the Jura mountains. A quick trip into Switzerland, then bank into France and finishing off through the Jura on the Grand Traverse du Jura MTB route and the Rhone valley. Recommended time of year to ride is late spring to late autumn, although it's a very changeable area, so there could easily be late or early snow blocking the passes. Bike recommendations are more about being confident and comfortable off road than anything specific. Gravel and Mtb bikes are more suitable, but a touring bike or CX bike would also be okay. Surfaces vary widely, but it's mostly on the smoother side, and there's not much single-track on the route.

Auf der Karte



  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Cologne to Culoz

    877 km
    11,7 km/h
    15 450 m
    15 270 m
    Schwere Mountainbike-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Fortgeschrittene Fahrtechnik notwendig. Auf einigen Passagen wirst du dein Rad vielleicht schieben müssen.

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    877 km
  • Zeit
    75:04 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    15 450 m

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