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Italy’s Manie Plateau — 3 pleasant MTB routes


Italy’s Manie Plateau — 3 pleasant MTB routes

Lukas Goebel

Italy’s Manie Plateau — 3 pleasant MTB routes

Mountainbike-Collection von Emiliano Manzan

3 Touren

02:07 Std

21,3 km

450 m

This Collection includes three of the easiest and most popular mountain bike itineraries in the Finale Ligure area, in the province of Savona. The three routes take in the Manie Plateau, which lies close to the Ligurian Sea and has an average altitude of about 285 metres (935 ft): a true terrace overlooking the sea! The plateau stretches between the Finale Ligure and Spotorno areas and is criss-crossed by a network of trails that’s much loved by mountain bikers, but also by those who enjoy hiking and Nordic walking.

The mountain bike trails in Finale Ligure are technically very difficult. It’s essential to tackle them with a good bike (generally full-suspension and with at least 140 millimetres of excursion) and considerable riding experience. The itineraries in this Collection are an exception though: you can ride them even if you’re not an experienced biker and even with a fairly basic mountain bike. If you do come across a more techy section, you can always dismount and wheel your bike through. I suggest you venture out on these routes in spring or autumn to avoid the high summer temperatures and frequent winter rains.

The Manie Plateau is a true green lung whose landscape is characterised by Mediterranean scrub and holm oak woods. The vineyards and crops in the area produce excellent products that make the Altopiano delle Manie a popular destination for food and wine lovers. I recommend that you stop for lunch or a snack at the plateau's trattorias and agriturismi to season your ride with a classic local dish and a glass of wine. The Ferrin restaurant (closed Tuesdays) and Trattoria La Grotta (closed Thursdays) are my favourites.

The plateau area is also dotted with historical evidence from various eras. In the numerous caves in the area, including the so-called Arma delle Fate and the Grotta dell'Arma, skeletal remains and lithic artefacts attributable to the Neanderthals have been found. On the Isasco plateau, overlooking the sea above Varigotti, a Roman necropolis was discovered with burials dating from between the 1st and 7th centuries AD. Also dating back to Roman times is the road called Julia Augusta, which has five beautiful bridges, some in ruins and some still in use.

The campsites and accommodation facilities on the Manie Plateau offer a relaxed atmosphere where you’re surrounded by nature. If, on the other hand, you prefer the vibrant, urban climate of the Ligurian coast, I recommend staying in one of the three urban centres of which the municipality of Finale Ligure is composed: Finale Marina, Finale Pia and Finalborgo. If you choose the latter option, you can reach the Manie Plateau by car or by bicycle via the SP45 road from Finalpia. The plateau can also be reached from Noli via the SP54, which joins the SP45 after about 3 kilometres (1.8 mi). The most convenient train stations to reach the Manie Plateau are Finale Marina and Noli.

Auf der Karte



  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Tour 1: die Strecke der 24h von Finale Ligure – Altopiano delle Manie

    10,5 km
    9,4 km/h
    250 m
    250 m
    Schwere Mountainbike-Tour. Für alle Fitnesslevel. Fortgeschrittene Fahrtechnik notwendig. Auf einigen Passagen wirst du dein Rad vielleicht schieben müssen.

    Das 24-Stunden-Rennen von Finale Ligure ist eines der wichtigsten Ausdauer-Mountainbike-Events auf internationaler Ebene. Tatsächlich versammeln sich jedes Jahr Tausende Biker aus aller Welt zu diesem Event auf dem Altopiano delle Manie. Das 1999 ins Leben gerufene 24-Stunden-Rennen von Finale Ligure

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen


  2. 00:37
    7,21 km
    11,7 km/h
    90 m
    270 m
    Schwere Mountainbike-Tour. Für alle Fitnesslevel. Fortgeschrittene Fahrtechnik notwendig. Auf einigen Passagen wirst du dein Rad vielleicht schieben müssen.

    Diese kurze Route mit hauptsächlich felsigem Grund beginnt am Colla di Magnone bei der Kirche San Giacomo und endet in Verzi, knapp oberhalb von Calvisio. Es entsteht an der antiken Via Julia Augusta, im Auftrag von Kaiser Augustus im Jahr 13 v. um die römische Gemeinde Vada Sabatia (Vado Ligure) mit

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  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 00:22
    3,57 km
    9,6 km/h
    100 m
    330 m
    Schwere Mountainbike-Tour. Für alle Fitnesslevel. Fortgeschrittene Fahrtechnik notwendig. Auf einigen Passagen wirst du dein Rad vielleicht schieben müssen.

    Diese Downhill-Route beginnt am Monte Capo Noli und endet nach etwa drei Kilometern auf der Via Aurelia im Ort Noli. Es umfasst einen Teil des Pellegrino-Pfads, dessen gesamte Route Varigotti und Noli verbindet und über den Monte Capo Noli führt. Der Name Sentiero del Pellegrino rührt wahrscheinlich

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    21,3 km
  • Zeit
    02:07 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    450 m

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