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Belén Castelló (belletoscan)

Bikepacking im Baskenland – Bilbao nach Pamplona

Belén Castelló (belletoscan)

Bikepacking im Baskenland – Bilbao nach Pamplona

Bikepacking im Baskenland – Bilbao nach Pamplona

260 km
11,6 km/h
5 620 m
5 200 m
  • Eine Kopie dieser Tour speichern


24,7 km
Ready for our tour—you can see Tologorri in the background—our goal for day 1!
34,3 km
Embalse de Maroño - super calm evening by the shore.
37,2 km
Little shadow break in the tiny town of Salmantón to plan the route and re-fill out water bottles.
38,8 km
First meters on the bike and we can already feel the temperatures rising fast!
39,9 km
Good paved road up to the top of the plateau—only sheperds are allowed to drive here (I believe)—so its pretty quiet. Very steep!
42,1 km
The climb is steep, so if you are carrying weight and not riding with small gears, some stretches might require you to push.
47,0 km
First glimpse to Ungino: our goal for the day!
47,6 km
The climb up to Sierra Salvada was long at tough—especially at 37°—but in good company, the reward once you reach the top is even better!
47,9 km
48,0 km
Pico Ungino in Sierra Salvada - the fog suddenly lifted up reveling this amazing view for sunset
We got a little lost and had to push our bike for a while in search of a bigger path. The sunset over Tologorri was beautiful though!
52,1 km
If you want to lift your bike down: take the route of Senda Negra. Very cool, but barely ridable. Just be aware.
74,8 km
Very nice quiet road curving around the river. Cars barely don't take it since they go on the highway.
92,3 km
Ana and I figuring out what the climb is going to look like. Apparently loads of bike-pushing ahead!
94,0 km
Following a small stretch of the bikepacking.com route: Vuelta de Vasco. Nice gravel roads but also bike-pushing!
94,8 km
The fog pulled in out of nowhere. Be careful since it's easy to get disoriented. Lovely atmospheric riding though!
95,4 km
Little water break whilst we figure out how to carry our bikes up the rocks. Jokes help!
96,2 km
Almost there! Tristan ended up carrying my bike too because I could no longer push.
We did it! We spent the night close to the top: Gorbeia. The sea of clouds was beautiful over sunset.
97,0 km
Team breakfast as we get ready for another day full of adventure.
97,8 km
The descend on this way took us through very tall ferns, make it difficult to ride at times. Almost back on the path!
146 km
Heavy rain accompanied us the whole afternoon so we were happy to find shelter by this little church.
148 km
Beautiful (but rough) gravel path through a forested area.
149 km
When the path and signs suddenly disappear is time to improvise!
We knew we had to make it to the windmills but we didn't know quite how.
150 km
Last push through the ferns before reaching the "Iberdrola Highway"
151 km
Gotta love good gravel. This is a wonderful road going along the mountain ridge. We only rode a small stretch but super nice!
161 km
On the way to our next highlight: Urbasa. Pedaling through lovely sunflower fields.
177 km
The mountains we from in the background! Be careful with this curvy road as some random vehicles decide to race here.
188 km
Sweet paved road (little cars) on our way to Urbasa.
201 km
The ladies of the team. Keeping that early wake up smile going cause... Today there's 'menú del día' awaiting!
202 km
Nice paths on our way out of Urbasa. It's kinda confusing, so keep an eye on the map!
229 km
Operation Return. Our week long adventure comes to an end as we head down to Pamplona to catch a bus.
239 km
The road down to Pamplona.
260 km



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und 3 andere waren Fahrrad fahren.

21. August 2020


  • 19. Februar 2021

    Tristan und ich haben uns mit unseren Freunden Ana und Bradley zu einer kleinen Tour im Baskenland getroffen. Wir waren bereit für ein paar unbefestigte Straßen!


    Ohne eine klare Route im Auge zu haben, machten wir uns Tag für Tag spontan auf den Weg, was schließlich zu einer ziemlich zufälligen und harten

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen
  • 16. Mai 2021

    Eine der schönsten Routen, die ich je in Komoot gesehen habe! Unglaublich, Glückwunsch!

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen
  • 8. September 2021

    Liebte es, zuzusehen, vielleicht inspiriert, diese Route im nächsten Mai sogar zu machen..... Schade, dass ich kein Spanisch spreche. vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen, dies zu teilen.

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  • 3. Juni 2022

    Ehhh mit der lieben Ana!! Was für ein Streckenteam!! Zorionak.

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  • 8. April 2023

    grossartige Bilder aus einer Gegend wo ich bisher nur zum Arbeiten war . #15 ist Poster Favorit.

  • 8. Juni 2023

    Bethlehem, welches Trägermodell und welche Hecktaschen haben Sie?

    Spektakuläre Routen☺️

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