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Värmdö Notholmarna bikepacking - Day 1


Värmdö Notholmarna bikepacking - Day 1

Värmdö Notholmarna bikepacking - Day 1

66,7 km
17,3 km/h
770 m
830 m
  • Eine Kopie dieser Tour speichern


30,3 km
I'm out for my first bikepacking trip of the year! :D
Just taking a quick detour through beautiful Velamsund.
33,9 km
Followed by some smooth and scenic gravel roads.
41,0 km
Passed by this little beach. Looks almost like summer!
48,3 km
Heading out for another detour, around Våmfjärden!
51,3 km
51,3 km
Passing over the wooden bridge "Vindbron".
58,7 km
View from the bridge to Djurö! That water color! :o
65,5 km
Almost there! Passing by Kuggmaren. Just 1km left!
Pretty loaded bike today! Just pausing to check my map!
66,3 km
Made it onto the first "Notholmen". Beautiful little island!
Just got my camp set up and a fire going before sunset.
Should have sun both in the evening and the morning!
But the view of the open water here is breathtaking!
That's the tip of the other island. Can't seem to get there.
Now I just gotta scout the area a bit. Lots of beauty here!
This is where I'll set up camp, on the northern part.
66,7 km



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Schau dir zentimetergenaue Infos zu Wegtypen, Wegbeschaffenheit und Höhenprofil an – und erfahr schon bevor du rausgehst was dich erwartet.

war Fahrrad fahren.

17. April 2021


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