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Ireland Solo Road Trip ๐ŸŒŽ ๐Ÿšš


Ireland Solo Road Trip ๐ŸŒŽ ๐Ÿšš


Ireland Solo Road Trip ๐ŸŒŽ ๐Ÿšš

Collection von Grace

10 Touren

14:55ย Std

39,7ย km

2 250ย m

I have long dreamt of coming to Ireland and doing a road trip in my van. It's always been one of those places that I said "one day" and kept putting it off. Finally with 2 days notice and a sunny weather forecast I decided to book the ferry from Fishguard for a solo road trip. I had no plan other than that I wanted to hike, surf, swim and remember how much I love travel and solo adventures ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒ…I came to Ireland in 2013 before I was into walking and spent the majority of the time in the pub... so I was determined to come back and see how amazing the country actually is. I'd been having a bit of a rubbish time and really needed this time to remind myself how amazing I am and how much I just love life and adventure! Ireland you stole my heart ๐Ÿ’š the trip was everything I had hoped for and more... and exactly what I needed! It's been amazing from start to finish... from the very moment I set off on the ferry to working in the co-working space in Cork at the end of my trip. Everyone I have met has been warm and welcoming and the landscape and adventures I've had are ones I'll never forget! I loved swimming in the sea every single day, surfing, paddleboarding, hiking, watching sunset, drinking with some new friends in Dingle and listening to Irish music. The random encounters and conversations, plus meeting new people from around the world to watch sunset and drink with ๐ŸปHiking highlights for me were Carrauntoohil which is the highest mountain in Ireland. I did this as part of a guided group with Kerry climbing and I am so glad I did because the group was so lovely and it meant I could learn about the area, not worry about the terrain and also meet some locals.
I also love a solo hike so used komoot of course on many of my little walks to find highlights, sunset spots, the beach or summits.
I loved the Mount Brandon walk i always feel a sense of achievement for hiking solo and I was rewarded with stunning views from the top. I chatted to people along the way and at the summit and had conversations I wouldn't have had if I had been with someone else.
I firmly believe that komoot gives me the confidence to adventure solo and opens up so many opportunities to explore and find places that you never would without recommendations from the community! Grateful for the weather, the people I met and for the amazing adventures that I had on this once in a lifetime trip! Any questions about where I went or what I did please just ask ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช I loved Kerry so much I didn't leave! So, Ireland... I'll see you again soon! ๐Ÿ’š

Auf der Karte



  1. Carrauntoohil Mountain ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช Ireland

    12,2ย km
    1,6ย km/h
    500ย m
    200ย m

    Was fรผr ein toller Tag beim Wandern in Carrauntoohil im hรถchsten Gebirge, MacGillycuddy's Reeks in Kerry. Dies ist mit 1.038 m der hรถchste Berg Irlands ... Ich habe jede Minute genossen!


    Ich war alleine auf einem Roadtrip durch Irland unterwegs, also entschied ich mich fรผr einen Reiseleiter, weil ichโ€ฆ

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  2. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen fรผr die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  3. 02:33
    8,09ย km
    3,2ย km/h
    760ย m
    750ย m

    Toller Tag zu FuรŸ zum Mount Brandon in der Nรคhe von Dingle. Vielleicht hatte ich in der Nacht zuvor ein paar Drinks zu viel mit einem coolen Haufen Leute, die ich getroffen und mit denen ich den Sonnenuntergang beobachtet habe ... aus der ganzen Welt ๐ŸŒŽ, also machte es den Spaziergang in der Hitze nochโ€ฆ

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  4. 02:00
    8,72ย km
    4,4ย km/h
    160ย m
    160ย m

    Ich liebte diesen Rundweg vom Haus Derrynanne zum Strand und den Kerry Way hinauf. Es gab so viele Brombeeren entlang der Strecke und ich habe kaum jemanden gesehen. Schรถne Aussicht รผber das Meer, wenn Sie hรถher kommen. Ich habe auch ein Telefon gefunden, das sich als das einer alten Frau herausstellteโ€ฆ

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  5. 00:10
    898ย m
    5,3ย km/h
    0ย m
    0ย m

    Ich habe mich entschieden, mit einem warmen Van Beer und Haferkuchen zum Sonnenuntergang zu rennen, anstatt eine richtige Mahlzeit zu essen! Ich wusste, dass ich keine Zeit hatte, beides zu tun ... aber der Sonnenuntergang gewinnt jedes Mal und es hat sich so gelohnt. Ich parkte am Strand von Clogherโ€ฆ

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  6. 00:47
    2,02ย km
    2,6ย km/h
    750ย m
  7. 00:20
    1,72ย km
    5,0ย km/h
    0ย m
    0ย m
  8. 00:13
    1,13ย km
    5,2ย km/h
    0ย m
    0ย m

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    39,7ย km
  • Zeit
    14:55ย Std
  • Hรถhenmeter
    2 250ย m

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