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French Alps 3 Day Hut Trip


French Alps 3 Day Hut Trip


French Alps 3 Day Hut Trip

Collection von Grace

3 Touren

10:28Β Std

36,7Β km

1 970Β m

Back in September after the komoot company gathering in Manigod myself and Carola (Komoot NL+BE cycling community manager) decided to do a 3 day hut trip from Chamonix. I've never stayed in a hut before so I was super excited about this! I have Carola's great planning skills and some tips from local Chloe to thank for this adventure πŸ™ so you can thank them for this awesome route which I would highly recommend! We were joined on the second night by fellow komoot hiking community manager Anne and had a really fun day and night at Lac Blanc. Here's some quick tips πŸ’™ Book the huts in advance
πŸ’™ Take ear plugs and an eye mask
πŸ’™ You get meals included so no need to take extra food
πŸ’™ Take a sleeping bag liner
πŸ’™ Both of these huts provided slippers/crocs to wear in the hut but check when you book as not all provide these and it is super nice to have a change of shoes after hiking all day
πŸ’™ There's lots of people stay at the huts so even if you go on your own you're sure to chat to others
πŸ’™ There are cafes along this route so you can get breakfast and lunch on the way (depending on the time of year check opening times)
πŸ’™ Make sure you take enough snacks to keep you going for the 3 days... we did have 2 awesome cafes stops for cake but I was glad I had lots of snacks with me!
πŸ’™ Take some leggings or trouser to change into and sleep in
πŸ’™ The water can be expensive and limited so fill up where you can before getting to the huts (we filled up from a water fall on day 2)
πŸ’™ Quiche is THE BEST trail food to take so I'd highly recommend getting one in Chamonix before you set off and save it for lunch!

Auf der Karte



  1. Day 1 French Alps Hut Trip - Vallorcine to Refuge de Loriaz πŸ”οΈ

    11,5Β km
    3,5Β km/h
    930Β m
    170Β m

    Tag 1 unserer 3-tΓ€gigen HΓΌttentour mit @Carola Groeneveld.


    Wir hΓ€tten uns fΓΌr den Beginn unserer Reise kein schΓΆneres Wetter wΓΌnschen kΓΆnnen, vor allem, weil es ein paar Wochen zuvor geschneit hatte πŸ˜… Wir starteten in Chamonix und nahmen den Zug nach Vallorcine, der etwa 10,50 € kostete und 34 Minuten…

    ΓΌbersetzt vonβ€’Original anzeigen


  2. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen fΓΌr die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    36,7Β km
  • Zeit
    10:28Β Std
  • HΓΆhenmeter
    1 970Β m

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