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A riverside hike from wild moors to golden coast — River Ayr Way


A riverside hike from wild moors to golden coast — River Ayr Way

AJ Yakstrangler (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

A riverside hike from wild moors to golden coast — River Ayr Way

Wander-Collection von Dan Hobson



5-6 Std

/ Tag

65,7 km

340 m

600 m

The River Ayr Way is Scotland’s first ‘source to sea’ long-distance hike. Wonderfully-varied throughout, the route celebrates enchanting natural landscapes, fascinating industrial heritage and spectacular wildlife as it traces the River Ayr’s journey from wild moorland to golden coast.

Starting at Glenbuck Loch, source of the Ayr, the trail follows the river through moorland scattered with remnants of industrial heritage. As the Ayr matures and grows in power, you see how it drives mills and carves rocky ravines through sandstone. The final section meanders through farmland and country estates to the charming seaside town of Ayr. It finishes on the town’s harbour, where the river flows into the Firth of Clyde.

The trail winds through a landscape with connections to many famous Scottish figures, including national bard, Robert Burns, and legendary knight, Sir William Wallace. Furthermore, the varied habitats en route make it a great hike for wildlife spotting. Keep a lookout for kingfishers, herons, otters, Atlantic salmon, badgers, rare bats, plus more.

At 41 miles (66 km), the River Ayr Way is perfect for a long-weekend adventure. As the trail follows well-maintained paths for the most part and is a steady downhill affair, it is a good choice for all abilities. Whether you are a seasoned long-distance hiker or breaking in your boots, there’s something for you here. The trail is also a popular ultramarathon route, for anyone who fancies a demanding challenge.

Highlights along the way include: Glenbuck Loch, a picturesque reservoir on the East Ayrshire/South Lanarkshire border; Airds Moss Nature Reserve, a wildlife haven on a site that was once an iron blast furnace; Ballochmyle Viaduct, the highest railway viaduct in Britain that is still in use; Kingencleugh Castle, an atmospheric ruin in a secluded spot; Ayr Gorge Woodlands, a stunning nature reserve and one of the most important habitats in Ayrshire for invertebrates, plants, fungi and bats; and Ayr, a historic county town with a golden beach and a wealth of historical sites.

In this Collection, I split the trail into three stages between 12.2 miles (19.6 km) and 16.4 miles (26.4 km). Each stage finishes close to accommodation and somewhere that offers a hearty meal. Be sure to book well in advance, though.

Of course, you can divide the Collection into as many days as you are comfortable with. Accommodation is not abundant but you do find options dotted around the area. It is also possible to walk individual stages. However, public transport is fairly limited, so you might have to get creative.

While this trail never ventures too far from civilisation, there are some remote areas. As such, ensure you have enough water and snacks to keep you sustained. Sturdy footwear is recommended at all times of year, as are waterproofs. Be sure to pack sunscreen in warm weather, too.

You can hike the River Ayr Way at any time of year and each season offers a unique perspective on the landscape. Being a riverside walk, it can get muddy and boggy in places, especially during winter or after heavy rain. The standard way to walk the route is east to west, from source to sea. There is nothing stopping you hiking it the other direction, though.

Getting to the start of the route by public transport is a little tricky. You can catch the 42 bus from Ayr to Muirkirk, which is 3.8 miles (6.1 km) further down the trail. Things are much easier at the end in Ayr, which has a train station and good bus and coach links.

Auf der Karte


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River Ayr Weg

64,7 km

300 m

550 m

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 4. Juni 2024

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Abschnitt 1: Glenbuck nach Sorn — River Ayr Way

    26,0 km
    3,9 km/h
    70 m
    210 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Etappe 1 folgt dem jungen Fluss Ayr durch Moorlandschaften, die einst eine Brutstätte der Industrie waren. Während noch Reste der industriellen Vergangenheit der Gegend zu sehen sind, herrscht heutzutage eine wilde Tierwelt und absolute Ruhe.


    Die Tour beginnt am Glenbuck Loch, der Quelle des Flusses Ayr

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  2. 05:15
    19,7 km
    3,8 km/h
    190 m
    250 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Dieser Spaziergang am Flussufer erkundet eine stimmungsvolle Burgruine, führt unter dem höchsten Eisenbahnviadukt Großbritanniens hindurch und schlängelt sich durch eine alte bewaldete Schlucht, die ein wesentlicher Lebensraum für Wildtiere in der Region ist.


    Während es bei der gestrigen Wanderung nur

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  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 05:10
    20,0 km
    3,9 km/h
    90 m
    130 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Diese letzte Etappe schlängelt sich entlang des Flusses Ayr durch offenes Ackerland und Landgüter zur charmanten Küstenstadt Ayr. Erwarten Sie wunderschöne Wälder, großartige Aussichten auf den Fluss und ein goldenes Finish mit Blick auf den Firth of Clyde.


    Wandern Sie zunächst am Nordufer entlang und

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    65,7 km
  • Zeit
    17:07 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    340 m600 m

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