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A Himalayan adventure beneath Machapuchare – Mardi Himal Trek


A Himalayan adventure beneath Machapuchare – Mardi Himal Trek

Summit Seekers

A Himalayan adventure beneath Machapuchare – Mardi Himal Trek

Wander-Collection von Summit Seekers

5 Touren

18:03 Std

38,1 km

2 550 m

Imagine a short and achievable Himalayan trek that takes you through forests of oak and rhododendron beneath iconic, snow-capped Nepalese giants, such as sacred Machapuchare and the formidable Annapurna. Well, such a spectacular and relatively accessible route exists: the Mardi Himal Trek.

Officially opened in 2012, the Mardi Himal Trek is a new approach to exploring the awe-inspiring Annapurna Range. It’s the ideal itinerary for beginners to the Himalaya or if you are only staying in Nepal for a short time.

It follows a well-marked and maintained trail that gains altitude quickly thanks to its often steep steps, so it’s important to take your time. As it’s close to the Annapurna Base Camp Trek (often referred to as the ABC Trek) it can also be used as a link up to both this and the Poon Hill ascent, another short and popular route. Needless to say, the views are incredible from the onset and you have multiple options for further adventure when you reach the top.

On the trek, it really feels like you are able to reach out and touch the mountains. Annapurna 1, at 26,545 feet (8009 m), dominates the view to the left of the ridge and the ‘Fishtail Mountain’ Machapuchare, at 22,943 feet (6993 m), towers up to your right. An ascent of Mardi Himal, at 18,330 feet (5552 m) is possible with the correct kit: crampons and ice axes along with ropes and climbing gear. A guide is advisable for a summit attempt, unless you're an experienced winter mountaineer. Best of all, it’s very much a family friendly route, as well as being a popular route for Nepalese tourists.

To reach the trek, take a flight to Kathmandu, where you can catch another flight or alternative transport to reach the city of Pokhara. Once in Pokhara, there are a few options for getting to the start of the route, at the town of Lumre. The cheapest and most straightforward option is to take a bus to Lumre and then jump in a local jeep to Sidhing. Not only will this be kind to your wallet but it’ll also save you from the initial 2,600 feet (800 m) of ascent.

As with all treks in Nepal, avoid the monsoon season from June to September. If you go in the spring or autumn, be prepared for humid jungle temperatures and very cold nights. In late November and early December there’s always a risk of heavy snowfall and in the winter months many of the huts and facilities close down as they are not equipped for winter tourism, so you will need to plan ahead.

As of April 2023, you need to hire a local guide to go trekking in Nepal. There are many providers available in the country’s towns and cities, as well as online. We highly recommend the provider Paddle Nepal. If you choose to either start from the Annapurna trek or are planning on linking up this route with any of the ABC or Poon Hill routes then you will need an Anapurna Conservation Permit. These cost $20.00 USD per person plus a fee of $35.00 to $50.00 commission charge to the government approved agency you choose to go with. You will have to use an agency to obtain the permit as they have to be registered to issue it.

The Mardi Himal is classed as a teahouse trek. There are plenty of accommodation options and, as is common on Nepalese treks, all of the places you stay will have food too. You are not always obliged to eat where you sleep but often a better room rate can be negotiated if you do. Rooms vary from around Rs800 to Rs1500 (£5.30 to £10.00). Make sure you are paying per room and not per person and sharing a room with others is a good way to save a little money. You may be told that there is accommodation at View Point, which is the most common end point for trekkers not wishing to go to Base Camp. However, the options here are rudimentary and impractical.

Blankets are available throughout, so if you don't want to carry a sleeping bag then you can save some weight. However, if you suffer from the cold, a sleeping bag under the blanket can be useful. Hot showers are rare and there’s usually a charge, while finding any kind of shower at all gets increasingly tricky the higher you climb. Toilet roll is also scarce, so bring your own. Bear in mind that there are no toilets beyond High Camp. Hotel 3600 was the only place we found with WiFi. It’s likely that facilities will continue to improve over time as the route becomes more established.

Where food is concerned, the menu on the trail is very simple and much the same as on most treks. You can get dhal bhat (a classic Nepalese dish of lentils and rice), noodles, tea and coffee, pancakes and bread, with prices ranging from Rs150 to Rs1000 (£1 to £7.50). It’s worth getting your snacks at the start, as prices increase the higher you go.

Be aware that the last place to get cash is Hari Chowk or Pokhara. There are no established health centres, pharmacies or hospitals on the trek at all, though helicopter rescue can be arranged in an emergency.

While undoubtedly spectacular, it’s not a trek that’s as culturally rich as others in the Himalaya. Unlike on the Langtang Trek, ( komoot.com/collection/1835835 ) which discovers traditional Tibetan villages and their inhabitants, the folk who you meet on the Mardi Himal Trek live on the rest sites for the season only and are there purely to provide trekkers services.

Nevertheless, the Mardi Himal is an astonishing experience that’s ideal for newcomers to one of the world’s most spectacular regions. We hope you enjoy your adventure!

Auf der Karte


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Mardi Himal Trek

20,6 km

3 360 m

60 m

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 31. Mai 2024


  1. Tag 1: Sidhim nach Low Camp – Mardi Himal Trek

    5,09 km
    1,4 km/h
    990 m
    20 m

    Der erste Tag ist ein harter Tag mit vielen Höhenmetern, die Sie vom Tal weg und hinauf zum Hauptkamm führen.


    Wie in der Einleitung erwähnt, ist die Fahrt nach Sidhing am günstigsten, wenn man einen lokalen Jeep nimmt, wodurch man sich auch den anfänglichen 2.625 Fuß (800 m) langen Aufstieg erspart. Von

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  2. 04:10
    5,48 km
    1,3 km/h
    670 m
    150 m

    Der zweite Tag ist kurz, aber steil. Wir haben die Strecke zu Fuß in weniger als drei Stunden zurückgelegt, haben uns aber etwa auf halber Strecke eine ordentliche Teepause gegönnt. Sie steigen von knapp 3.000 m (9.850 Fuß) auf 3.800 m (12.500 Fuß) auf, folgen den Schritten und beginnen dank der Geschwindigkeit

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  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. Am dritten Tag sind die Möglichkeiten nahezu endlos und Sie werden ein spektakuläres Erlebnis erleben, wofür Sie sich auch entscheiden.


    Einige entscheiden sich für einen Start bei Sonnenaufgang und kehren für eine zweite Nacht zum High Camp zurück, bevor sie in dem für sie passenden Tempo absteigen. Es

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  5. Dies ist ein langer Tag mit einem Abstieg von etwa 1.950 m. Wenn Sie den Tag auf dem Weg nach unten mit einem Mittagessen in einer der vielen Trekking-Stützpunkte oder -Dörfer unterbrechen, läuft alles reibungsloser ab. Die Route führt Sie von einem von Wäldern gesäumten Bergrücken durch dichten Weinrebenwald

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  6. 00:36
    2,05 km
    3,4 km/h
    0 m
    110 m

    Ein kurzer 20- bis 30-minütiger Spaziergang hinunter zum Dorf Lumre überquert erneut den Mardi Khola und bietet einen atemberaubenden Blick auf das Tal, das von Machapuchare dominiert wird.


    Auch hier haben Sie wieder verschiedene Transportmöglichkeiten zurück nach Pokhara, wobei der öffentliche Bus am

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    38,1 km
  • Zeit
    18:03 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    2 550 m

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