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Bikepacking through the Greek mountains — Hellenic Mountain Race


Bikepacking through the Greek mountains — Hellenic Mountain Race


Bikepacking through the Greek mountains — Hellenic Mountain Race

Mountainbike-Collection von Quinda

1 Tour

130:41 Std

949 km

27 400 m

Terrified, grateful, overwhelmed and at ease, I experienced a real rollercoaster of emotions in the days leading up to the race. Being there at the start of the Hellenic Mountain Race, feeling fit and good meant the world to me, as it had been two whole years since I had an accident and spent two whole years since dealing with PCS (persistent post-concussive symptoms). I truly thought that would not ever happen to me, and yet the struggle had been very real and had required every bit of patience and determination - both from myself and loved ones around me - to get here where I was today.

I’m not and likely won’t ever be 100% my old self and that’s ok, because this accident had a drastic impact on how I view life, how I plan my day to day routines and what I prioritise and that's not all a bad thing. Being here at the start feeling fit and comfortable meant so much to me. I love this stuff, I love solo adventures, racing my bike and being surrounded by the mountains. It’s my most happy place!

Apparently I also seem to enjoy racing in difficult weather conditions! I'm not sure I'd dare to say I prioritise the mud and rain over sunny breezy weather, however I do know that I would handle the sweltering heat less well than these muddy roads.

My sister was also in Greece with me for a reason, not to race or ride bikes, but to support me before and after the race. We spontaneously decided for her to join and it had been the best idea ever. It created comfort for me, to have someone I could trust and be totally myself with, someone who could look after me the days leading up to the race and also to take care of me after I finished. Although everyone is destroyed and exhausted after a race like this, my brain just needs a little extra care.

I wasn't eaten by dogs. Though they did occasionally bark at me, so then I would hop of my bike and walk while singing them sweet songs. I would do the same for bears. If I was afraid they might be around I would sing to them and let them know how cute they are. I’m pretty sure I saw a bear's butt moving into the forest, which was truly a very thrilling moment.

Eventually I even finished and won the women’s race in 7 days and an annoying 10 whole minutes. It felt like a cherry on top and I could fully embrace the happiness that comes with the victory.

Auf der Karte



  1. Hellenic Mountain Rennen 2023

    949 km
    7,3 km/h
    27 400 m
    27 500 m

    Die Rennen von Nelson Trees sind etwas anderes, hier ist ein Link bikepacking.com/news/quinda-verheul-hellenic-mountain-race-2023

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen



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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    949 km
  • Zeit
    130:41 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    27 400 m

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