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NEW Komoot Women's Slovenia Rally 2023 Route Update


NEW Komoot Women's Slovenia Rally 2023 Route Update

komoot Womens Rally

NEW Komoot Women's Slovenia Rally 2023 Route Update

Collection von komoot Womens Rally

2 Touren

97:31 Std

1 152 km

21 520 m

When you set out on an adventure, you may picture in your mind what to expect. But the reality, the actual challenges that await you, remain a mystery until the moment you experience them.Already before the start of the rally, we as organizers as well as the participants were facing the first challenge. The heavy floods in Slovenia required an adjustment of the route in order not to interfere with the clean-up work and to ensure the safety of all participants. Bea, who had already put a lot of time and heart into working out the original route for the komoot Women’s Slovenia Rally, made the impossible possible: She planned a new route adapted to the current situation within no time.This route will take you through three fascinating countries in one week: Slovenia, Croatia and Italy. Your journey starts and ends in the lively city of Ljubljana. What follows is an incomparable mix of gravel roads and small, scenic country roads. You will explore remote regions of Slovenia and Croatia and ride through enchanted forests.
The further south you get, the more Mediterranean the landscape becomes. As soon as you catch the first glimpse of the sea, Italy is right at your fingertips. The route then takes you through Trieste and along the coast - so don't forget to bring your swimsuit. After a short or longer break for pizza, gelato and a delicious Italian coffee, you will head back towards Slovenia on picturesque country roads. Beautiful vineyards provide even more variety on this route.
We provide two different tracks for you to choose from - one longer and one shorter one. As always, these routes are for orientation purposes only. You can take shortcuts, plan detours, or even take the train - after all it is your personal adventure. No matter what you decide to do, make sure to always bring enough water and food supplies. Due to the floods, drinking water can still be contaminated in some parts of Slovenia, so we recommend bringing a water filter.Regarding accommodation: Wild camping is not allowed in Slovenia, so it is best to find out about potential campsites and accommodation along the route in advance. An absolute highlight is, for example, the campsite Kamp Beli gaber. A large, roofed area with outdoor kitchen and seating area offers the opportunity to cook together and share stories. We wish you an unforgettable adventure and hope that these beautiful countries with their hospitality and great nature will leave a lasting impression on you as they did on us.

Auf der Karte



  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Komoot Women's Slovenia Rally 2023 Route Update

    550 km
    11,9 km/h
    10 250 m
    10 250 m
    Schwere Fahrradtour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Auf einigen Passagen wirst du dein Rad vielleicht schieben müssen.

    Eigentümerin des Objekts ist wieder die Gemeinde Cerknica, die das Haus seit 1994 vermietet.


    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen


  2. 51:10
    602 km
    11,8 km/h
    11 270 m
    11 270 m
    Schwere Fahrradtour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Auf einigen Passagen wirst du dein Rad vielleicht schieben müssen.

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    1 152 km
  • Zeit
    97:31 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    21 520 m

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