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City to Sea – London to Brighton and back again


City to Sea – London to Brighton and back again

David Bavin-Hobbs

City to Sea – London to Brighton and back again

Rennrad-Collection von David Bavin-Hobbs



4-4 Std

/ Tag

196 km

2 030 m

2 060 m

Escaping the hustle and bustle of the capital and cycling to the beach for the weekend is a favourite of the London road cycling scene. You’ll experience some of the best cycling scenery in the south-east of England on this two-stage Tour, covering some of the best roads in the North and South Downs. Of course, no London to Brighton cycling route would be complete without climbing the famous Ditchling Beacon: a rite of passage for every road cyclist. The view is worth the climb, as is the descent to Brighton Pier and the beach.

At roughly 60 miles (100 km) each way, London to Brighton and back is one of the most famous and achievable road cycling weekend challenges in the south of England. With ascents of Ditchling Beacon on the way out, and Box Hill on the way back, you’ll also get to experience two of the most famous climbs in the UK for good measure.

Having ridden the London to Brighton (and back) road route many times, I’ve altered the standard route used by most people, replacing long stretches of A road with quiet country lanes and adding highlights like Ardingly Reservoir and Ouse Valley Viaduct. It’s a labour of love, perfected over many years of road cycling.

Beginning at Putney Bridge station in South West London, you’ll head out of London on quiet roads, past landmarks like The All England Tennis Club at Wimbledon, before emerging into lush and green countryside.

While it might not compare to the Lake District or Yorkshire Moors, the North and South Downs are rarely flat, with some beautiful but challenging climbs to contend with. On stage 1, you’ll encounter the tree-lined slopes of How Lane, Rocks Lane and Mill Lane from Ardingly Reservoir, and that’s before you even get to the final sting in the tail, Ditchling Beacon. On the ride back to London on stage 2, you’ll start climbing immediately, as you take on Ditchling’s next door neighbour, the equally impressive Devil’s Dyke.

Towards the end of stage 2, you’ll arrive in the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty to take on Box Hill, made famous in the 2012 Olympic road race and subsequent Ride London Sportive. Feared by many, in reality the four percent average gradient and buttery smooth road surface are a welcome treat at the end of two long days of cycling.

There are some excellent cafe stops at almost exactly half-way on both stages of the route. On stage 1 you’ll find Tulley’s Farm at 32 miles (53 km), which, alongside paintballing, 4x4 driving and a garden maze, offers a great range of hot and cold drinks, snacks and full meals. At the halfway point of the return leg, Tanhouse Farm Shop is an excellent, if more traditional cafe, boasting a lovely sprawling garden to enjoy a well-earned break before the Surrey Hills.

There are few better places to spend the night on a two-stage cycling trip than Brighton, where you’re spoiled for choice for nightlife. If, like me, you crave fish and chips after a long ride to the beach, then head 2 minutes along the seafront from Brighton Pier to the No Catch Co for 100% vegan fish and chips. You won’t be disappointed with this funky and totally sustainable option.

There are many cycling friendly B&B, hotel and hostel options in Brighton. From the budget friendly YHA to the palatial Grand Hotel, you’ll be well looked after. As the home of the annual London to Brighton bike ride, the city is very used to accommodating cyclists.

I’ve included the full Tour if you wish to edit the length and days to suit your needs. The only question left is whether you’ll jump in the sea upon arrival at Brighton Beach!

Auf der Karte

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City to Sea — London nach Brighton vollständige Tour

192 km

1 940 m

1 940 m

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 13. Juni 2024

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Abschnitt 1: London nach Brighton — Stadt zur See

    92,9 km
    21,4 km/h
    950 m
    950 m
    Schwere Rennrad-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gute Straßenbeläge. Einfach zu fahren.

    Der Bahnhof Putney Bridge ist außerhalb der Hauptverkehrszeiten (Mo. - Fr. 07:30 bis 09:30 Uhr und 16:00 bis 19:00 Uhr) mit dem Fahrrad über die District Line leicht zu erreichen und somit ein perfekter Ausgangspunkt für eine Reise von London nach Brighton Fahrt. Von Putney aus fahren Sie auf ruhigeren

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen


  2. 04:50
    103 km
    21,3 km/h
    1 080 m
    1 110 m
    Schwere Rennrad-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gute Straßenbeläge. Einfach zu fahren.

    Das Aufwachen am Meer ist immer ein Vergnügen, besonders in Brighton mit seinen vielen tollen Kaffee- und Frühstücksoptionen. Wenn Sie aus der Stadt nach Norden radeln, geht es immer direkt bergauf, daher ist es ratsam, etwas zu essen und einen starken Kaffee zu trinken.


    Wenn Sie den Brighton Pier verlassen

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    196 km
  • Zeit
    09:11 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    2 030 m2 060 m

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