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City to spires – London to Cambridge and back


City to spires – London to Cambridge and back


City to spires – London to Cambridge and back

Rennrad-Collection von David Bavin-Hobbs



3-4 Std

/ Tag

191 km

1 130 m

1 140 m

London to Cambridge on a road bike is one of the must do cycling routes in the south east of England, and a favourite of the London cycling crowd. London Fields in Hackney is my preferred starting point, due to the abundance of good cafes, and a quiet route out of East London to Epping Forest. It’s also very easy to reach London Fields by train with your bike on the Overground network.

Incidentally, London Fields is also the starting point for the Dunwich Dynamo, an annual overnight ride to the Suffolk coast. However, after many years of riding both routes, I have adapted my London to Cambridge (and back) route to take in quieter and more scenic roads. Avoiding the major A roads where possible makes for a much more pleasant ride.

At 118 miles (190 km), split over two almost equal days, the route avoids large towns and sticks predominantly to country lanes. With just over 3,000 feet (1,000 metres ) of elevation across the two stages, there is little climbing to speak of. An exception being the ascent of Mott Street as you cross from East London into Essex at the beginning of stage one.

From Epping Forest you’ll travel due north on quiet lanes as you bypass commuter belt towns like Harlow, Bishop Stortford and even Stansted Airport. On the border between Essex and Cambridgeshire is Saffron Walden, a quintessential market town that has plenty to offer. A highlight of the area is Audley End, the palatial ‘prodigy house’ just outside the town. If you want a closer look you can stop at the house, or just admire the view as you cycle past.

As you near Cambridge you’ll be struck by the amount of cycling infrastructure available. Cycling is hugely popular in the city, with students and residents all choosing to get around by bike. Cycle paths like the ‘DNA road’ are a highlight for visitors, but fairly commonplace for locals. Either way they make for a very pleasant entrance into the city.

Once you’re in the city centre, you can’t move for grandiose colleges, charming pubs and cool coffee shops. My advice is to cycle all the way along Bridge Street until you reach the River Cam. You’ll pass some of the most impressive colleges, and can then decide which ones you want to revisit for a closer look. Or find a pub next to the river and watch the punts lazily pass by.

Cambridge is awash with accommodation options, but my advice is to stay in one of the colleges via University Rooms (universityrooms.com). It’s usually cheaper than a hotel, with plenty of good bike parking. When in Cambridge, do as the students do!

The return to London on stage two is equally beautiful. I’d recommend a coffee and breakfast at Pages, a favourite of local cyclists and students alike. From here you’ll depart Cambridge on a different cycle path, heading south a little further to the west. This means rolling through a new set of Cambridgeshire villages, and even visiting a whole new county as you cross over into Hertfordshire. Highlights include Little and Much Hadham, two scenic villages boasting Tudor houses. There’s little to stop for in the way of cafes, but it’s worth slowing down to take in the history.

As you get further south you’ll once again cross into Essex and skirt the edge of the River Lee, which flows into Walthamstow, bringing you closer to your London Fields destination. Arriving at London Fields you’re spoilt for choice for a celebratory feed. Pub on the Park is the obvious choice, but there are also multiple bakeries under the arches next to the station. You can also cross the park to Broadway Market where the choice ranges from pizza to fish and chips.

I’ve included the full Tour if you wish to edit the length and days to suit your needs. If you’re short on time or feeling like a long ride, the complete Tour can be ridden in one day.

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London to Cambridge and back full Tour

193 km

1 140 m

1 140 m

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 31. Mai 2024

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Stage 1: London to Cambridge – City to spires

    97,1 km
    24,1 km/h
    550 m
    560 m
    Mittelschwere Rennrad-Tour. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gute Straßenbeläge. Einfach zu fahren.

    Der Bahnhof London Fields ist mit dem Fahrrad über das Overground-Netz leicht zu erreichen und somit ein idealer Ausgangspunkt für eine Fahrt von London nach Cambridge. Auch die vielen hervorragenden Bäckereien in der Nähe tragen dazu bei. Ich würde E5 Bakehouse wärmstens empfehlen, wenn Sie vor dem

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen


  2. 03:55
    94,4 km
    24,1 km/h
    580 m
    580 m
    Mittelschwere Rennrad-Tour. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gute Straßenbeläge. Einfach zu fahren.

    In einer historischen und architektonisch wunderschönen Stadt wie Cambridge gibt es viel zu sehen. Ich würde immer empfehlen, das kleine Stadtzentrum zu erkunden, bevor Sie in die nähere Umgebung aufbrechen. Navigieren Sie entweder mit dem Fahrrad oder zu Fuß durch die bezaubernden Straßen, vorbei an

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen



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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    191 km
  • Zeit
    07:56 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    1 130 m1 140 m

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