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🇮🇪 Dublin - Full Program

🇮🇪 Dublin - Full Program

19,1 km
4,9 km/h
1 380 m
1 440 m
  • Eine Kopie dieser Tour speichern


86 m
Park of St. Patrick's Cathedral
Literary Parade
Liberty / Peace Bell
267 m
576 m
Inside the Cathedral
Views go high
Lots of Heraldics
King's Chair
Jonathan Swift
Irish Colours
Coat of Arms
Our guided tour
Roof decoration
Helmet parade
Floor decoration
Important heads
Banners with history
St. Patrick's is actually a museum
2,45 km
2,79 km
Windows - not from Microsoft
Leaving St. Patrick's
5,48 km
5,49 km
Chester Beatty Library
5,69 km
5,69 km
Dubh Linn Garden
5,83 km
5,92 km
Dublin Castle
Crossing Dame Street
7,67 km
7,75 km
Into Temple Bar Quarter
The Temple Bar
One of THE Dublin Motifs
8,52 km
8,85 km
Just looking, no drinking
First pass-by of Half-Penny Bridge
9,00 km
9,32 km
Half-Penny Bridge view
O'Connell Street - we come back later
Mr. Bloom' path through Dublin - Ulysses by James Joyce
Former Parliament House
Today: Bank of Ireland
Thomas Moore has a guest
9,95 km
10,3 km
Capital details
Entering Trinity Collage
Collage Courtyard
Hall of Honour
10,9 km
Sphere Within Sphere
Book of Kells
Nassau Street
12,6 km
The Shelbourne
One of Dublin's green islands
12,8 km
13,0 km
Stephen's Green
Shopping Centre, aka "The Wedding Cake"
13,2 km
13,4 km
Busy Grafton Street
Time for Ice cream
Listening to the Cranberries
Heading for the National Museum
14,6 km
14,6 km
Beautiful dome
Main Hall
Patrick's Bell
Early ceramic arts
Wooden decorations
Floor mosaics
Silver chalice, 8th century AD
Corleck Head, 1st/2nd century
Tara Brooch, 7/8th century
The Gold of Ireland
Bog body II
Bog body I
15,5 km
15,5 km
Dublin colourful
River Liffey
Guiness in the back
15,8 km
16,2 km
Irish hero: Daniel O'Connell
16,2 km
16,3 km
Jim Larkin
16,4 km
16,4 km
16,4 km
Clerys Clock - O'Connell Street
16,5 km
16,5 km
The Spire
Wolfe Tone Square
17,5 km
A few minutes on the Half-Penny Bridge
Water joy
Half Penny Bridge
Bustling in front of Hard Rock Café
18,1 km
18,2 km
Peak into the Whisky Museum
19,1 km



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und 3 andere waren wandern.

3. Juni 2023


  • 19. Juli 2023

    Unser übervoller Tag in Irlands Hauptstadt sprengt völlig den Rahmen, um hier alle Informationen und Eindrücke auch nur annähernd repräsentativ wiedergeben zu können. Also hier ein Versuch einer summarischen Zusammenfassung einiger unserer Stationen:


    1. St. Patrick’s Cathedral: Die “Kirche des Volkes

  • 3. August 2023

    Wunderschöne Bilderstrecke 👍🏼

  • Danke, - war auch viel Arbeit....

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