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Spring Trash Count 2022


Spring Trash Count 2022

Trash Free Trails

Spring Trash Count 2022

Collection von Trash Free Trails

33 Touren

35:44 Std

231 km

5 820 m

Spring Trash Count
Project Overview & Method
We are trying something new, something a little different! The Spring Trash Count is an internal, trial project to test the concept of focusing on counting the amount of SUP on our trails and wild places, rather than its removal. If this works, we will develop the methodology to involve the wider public for the Autumn installation of the Trash Count, with the overall aim of obtaining 1000s of scientifically robust data sets. For now, it’s just A-TEAM and family. Thank you for taking part.
To count the number of items of single use pollution (SUP) (fka; Litter!) on their favourite riding, running and roaming trails as part of pioneering scientific research to understand the volume and impacts of SUP on our trails and wild ecosystems.
- To create a scientifically robust, user friendly, citizen science data collection methodology
- To gather at least 20 scientifically robust data sets from at least 20 locations in 2022, that will be included in a Bangor University Research Project.
- We’d never ask you not to remove the SUP that you see but try to stay focused on the task at hand. We believe it’s vital to gain an understanding of how much SUP is out there and where it is, in order to make an evidence based plan to stop it happening again!
- As you know, removing loads of trash from your trails by hand is long, tiring work and sometimes that means that we run out of time and energy to do ‘the paperwork’ at the end. If you can bring yourself to leave it this time round, why not make a plan (using your Trash Count evidence) and gather a crew of friends to go and grab it as part of the Spring Trail Clean in April!?
Kit list
Mobile phone with good camera
Komoot app downloaded on phone and navigation device. (TFT A-TEAMers are eligible for a free PREMIUM subscription - not required to do the Trash Count! Please contact rich@trashfreetrails.org to access this.
Route selection
a) Choosing your route - Choose somewhere that you feel a connection to and that you will be happy to use as a repeated route for future Trash Counts.
b) Trail types - Your route should be primarily on trails that are ‘recognised’ as places where mountain biking, trail running or hiking takes place. This includes but is not limited to;
----- The route (road, urban footpaths) that you take to access your trails
----- Marked MTB, trail running and walking trails
----- Unofficial ‘off piste’ MTB trails
----- ‘Classic’ mountain walking routes that are also used by mountain bikers
----- Urban green spaces with trails running through / across / around them
----- Dirt jump tracks, pump tracks, skate parks etc
----- Car parks and roads that interact with the trail location - please do not include these areas in your Trash Count this time around. We are focusing on trails and wild places :)
c) Distance - There is no set limit, it could be a 100 metre pump track or 15km to the summit of Snowdon and back. It just needs to be accurate and replicable.
d) Think ‘quality over quantity!’ - If you think there’s too much to count on the route you have planned, or attempting to count would become overwhelming, consider recording it in shorter, meaningful sections,.
e) Stay safe - Please select a route that is safe to access, well within your ability level and can be accessed in all (but the very worst) of weather.
1) Using komoot - check out Rupert’s test Komoot activity
2) Download Komoot on your phone - set up a profile - follow Trash Free Trails
3) Make sure your phone has plenty of battery before heading out
4) Start ‘Record’ in the app at the beginning of your route
5) Use your camera app to take a photo of every item you see:
6) Make sure the photo of the item is recognisable and any brand name is showing, which might mean lifting it out from leaves etc
7) DO NOT stray an ‘unrepresentative’ distance from the trail to record your items. However you might want to look behind / in stone walls and old buildings or a 10 metres radius at a trail junction, as these are classic ‘trash hiding spots’.
8) If you believe a spot on the trail is an influence / driver of the trash at the spot (e.g. view point, top of hard climb, old building). Take a photo of that place too. It will give context to the images.
9) Remember to take photos of your favourite things too add them as highlights and maybe write a little bit about them too :)
10) At the end of the route press ‘Stop (and hold)’ and ‘Finish and save’
11) Choose your sport / activity
12) Select all the photos you’ve taken
13) Tag Trash Free Trails
14) Write your stats as a comment. We’ll then copy and paste it straight into our database. Stats to include are; Distance / Amount of Items / Amount of #LucozadeLitter
15) Click Done and name it ‘Spring 2022 Trash Count - [LOCATION NAME}’
16) Click Finish
17, 18, 19, 20) Reward yourself, your work here is done!

Auf der Karte



  1. Watkins Pools Trash Count - Q1 2022

    4,09 km
    4,8 km/h
    120 m
    110 m

    4,09 km

    120 Artikel SUP / Wurf

    #1 Marke = Sol

    Marke Nr. 2 = Lucozade

    #3 Marke = Corona

    Seltsam und schrecklich = 4 Windeln

    Wirklich atemberaubender Tag! Lion und Dodge in guter Kampfform und ich sprang in meiner Hose in die Pools :)

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen


  2. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  3. 00:27
    1,98 km
    4,5 km/h
    30 m
    60 m
  4. Entfernung: 3,63 Meilen / 5,8 km


    Artikelanzahl: 42


    Menge #LucozadeWurf: 0


    Wurf 'Highlights':

    2 x Hundekotbeutel

    10 x Lebensmittelverpackungen (Stands, M und S, Twix, Snackrite, Titan, Kitkat)

    1 x Hundefutter Dose ?? (Cäsar)

    1 x Pflegedose

    5 x Taschentücher/Feuchttücher

    2 x Wasserflaschen

    ... und mehr Müllsäcke

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen


  5. 00:44
    3,32 km
    4,6 km/h
    40 m
    60 m
  6. Zeige weitere Touren

Dir gefällt diese Collection?



Meld dich kostenlos bei komoot an, um mitzureden.


  • Touren
  • Distanz
    231 km
  • Zeit
    35:44 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    5 820 m

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